Shawn Michaels in-ring return, Mysterio WWE contract update, Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia and more. WoWB10


Recently it has been teased and rumoured that Shawn Michaels could make an in-ring soon and it seems that this might happen at the Crown Jewel show in Saudi Arabia. The rumour is that Michaels and Kane being at ringside for Triple H's and the Undertaker's match is to set up a tag match between DX and the Brothers of Destruction at the Crown Jewel show. This seems likely but not too likely to the point of being all but guaranteed. Realistically this makes it look like that Triple H, the Undertaker and Kane are retiring. Taker may seem obvious as he is likely going to hit his last tombstone at Wrestlemania 35. Triple H might retire next year but I see him retiring in two years time. Kane has a year left I'd say before a full fledged retirement. Michaels is likely going to go back in retirement at Wrestlemania 35.
       PW insider have recently broke the news that Mysterio has Sind a two year deal with WWE but Rey will be given the option to leave at the 18 month mark. This is due to Rey wanting an 18 month deal but WWE were able to extend it to two years. This opens up a lot of opertunites for dream matches and I'll cover some of them in my Fantasy ring Blog that normally uploads on Saturday unless I either have a sports fixture or I am on holiday.
    Recently WWE announced the Crown Jewel show that will take place in Saudi Arabia. The main event is Lesnar vs Reigns vs  Strowman for the universal championship. Now this is the best main event possible for a middle eastern WWE show ever. The Arabs love big belt matches featuring big guys, weapons and Roman Reigns. The show may also feature tag matches like the Bar vs the New Day. The will also hold the WWE wrestling World Cup that does open the possibility for Indy stars being on the show but I don't see this happening honestly. This tournament will likely take place over multiple shows and finish in Saudi Arabia.
    WWE also announced Starrcade which will take place in Ohio on November 24 and will feature matches like the Shield vs the Dogs of War. This makes me think about how much money they could make by having named house shows like the Birmingham Bash or Halloween Havoc. I know I'd pay a good bit to go to one.
   Hell in a Cell occurred a couple days ago and it was actually quite good. The matches overall had a good quality but Jeff Hardy and Rollins and Ambrose vs Ziggler and McIntyre. Samoa Joe vs Styles was also good but nothing too surprising. The Hardy match really shocked me especially the ending when Jeff was hanging from the top of the cell and then fell.

*PS* Sorry there was no upload on Saturday as I had a sports fixture all day.


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